+ News

James Nestor, author of the bestselling ‘Breath’, in conversation with Rosalba Courtney

In this wide ranging conversation, James and Rosalba discuss James’ latest book (the New York Times bestseller) and the importance of nasal breathing, nitric oxide in the time of COVID-19, Buteyko, Wim Hof, the 3 dimensions of breathing… and so much more….. read more

Latest article –
Long COVID and how osteopaths can help

There is a large amount of international research about the pathophysiology of ‘long COVID’ and how to treat it successfully.

In this article, Rosalba Courtney, Zoe Steele and Imogen Collyer take a look at some of this evidence and how osteopaths may be able to help long COVID patients.

Read full article here

‘Breathe for Calm’ – Free talk and 3hr Workshops!

Have you ever wondered why breathing is often hailed as one of the most potent tools for increasing calm and decreasing stress?

Discover the science behind breath and stress and unlock the transformative potential of your breath.

Join Rosalba as she explores topic in depth, including an experiential 3 hr workshop

Free talk 14 April 2024

3hr workshop 4 and 25 May 2024

Integrative approaches to improving breathing

Some indications you may have dysfunctional breathing (you can find out more here):

  • breathing discomfort or breathlessness
  • frequent sighing
  • anxiety and panic symptoms
  • unexplained cough and
  • inability to take a deep or satisfying breath

First up, have a Breathing Assessment – a comprehensive breathing, oral myofunctional, posture and health assessment (find out more here)

The Breathing Assessment will determine the  best course of action for treatment:

This might be a breathing therapy and breathing retraining. However in some cases a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary and you may need to see another type of practitioner such as a dentist, ear, nose and throat physician, allergy specialist, osteopath, psychologist or sleep specialist.

Find out more: On this website you can read about how dysfunctional breathing and poor breathing habits can affect people with these conditions and why an integrative approach to correcting these involves a multidisciplinary approach.

James Nestor, author of the bestselling ‘Breath’, in conversation with Rosalba Courtney

In this wide ranging conversation, James and Rosalba discuss James’ latest book (the New York Times bestseller) and the importance of nasal breathing, nitric oxide in the time of COVID-19, Buteyko, Wim Hof, the 3 dimensions of breathing… and so much more….. read more

Breath James Nestor

Breathing issues

Treating breathing issues including asthma, COPD, emphysema, mouth breathing and other dysfunctional breathing, stress-related breathing disorders.

Breathing can become dysfunctional because of stress, asthma or other causes. Dysfunctional breathing can reduce quality of life and produce various symptoms. My Integrative Breathing Therapy programs for adults and children are designed to help correct poor breathing habits and make breathing more efficient and functional.

Therapies and treatment

Integrative Breathing Therapy

Integrative Breathing Therapy is based on my 35 years’ experience as an osteopath and my PhD research into dysfunctional breathing and breathing therapy. It involves a breathing assessment and then individualised recommendation for treatment.

Integrative Breathing Therapy programs/classes

News & upcoming events

Online Integrative Breathing Therapy professional training 2025!

Join us for 6 months online! We believe this is the most comprehensive breathing therapy course available. It is about mastering the science and practical skills of breathing therapy and breathing retraining…. More here

Integrative approaches to improving breathing

Some indications you may have dysfunctional breathing (you can find out more here):

  • breathing discomfort or breathlessness
  • frequent sighing
  • anxiety and panic symptoms
  • unexplained cough and
  • inability to take a deep or satisfying breath

First up, have a Breathing Assessment – a comprehensive breathing, oral myofunctional, posture and health assessment (find out more here)

The Breathing Assessment will determine the  best course of action for treatment:

This might be a breathing therapy and breathing retraining. However in some cases a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary and you may need to see another type of practitioner such as a dentist, ear, nose and throat physician, allergy specialist, osteopath, psychologist or sleep specialist.

Find out more: On this website you can read about how dysfunctional breathing and poor breathing habits can affect people with these conditions and why an integrative approach to correcting these involves a multidisciplinary approach.

Online Integrative Breathing Therapy professional training 2022!

Join us for 6 months online! We believe this is the most comprehensive breathing therapy course available. It is about mastering the science and practical skills of breathing therapy and breathing retraining…. More here

James Nestor, author of the bestselling ‘Breath’, in conversation with Rosalba Courtney

In this wide ranging conversation, James and Rosalba discuss James’ latest book (the New York Times bestseller) and the importance of nasal breathing, nitric oxide in the time of COVID-19, Buteyko, Wim Hof, the 3 dimensions of breathing… and so much more….. read more

Breath James Nestor

Breathing issues

Treating breathing issues including asthma, COPD, emphysema, mouth breathing and other dysfunctional breathing, stress-related breathing disorders.

Breathing can become dysfunctional because of stress, asthma or other causes. Dysfunctional breathing can reduce quality of life and produce various symptoms. My Integrative Breathing Therapy programs for adults and children are designed to help correct poor breathing habits and to make breathing more efficient and functional.

Therapies and treatment

Integrative Breathing Therapy

Integrative Breathing Therapy is based on my 35 years’ experience as an osteopath and my PhD research into dysfunctional breathing and breathing therapy. It involves a breathing assessment and then individualised recommendation for treatment.

Integrative Breathing Therapy programs/classes

Healthy Breathing Healthy Child - breathing therapy class
Better Breathing Better Health - breathing therapy class
Breath, Mind, Body Stress reduction

Osteopathic treatment


I use a range of osteopathic hands-on techniques including massage, mobilisation, muscle energy techniques and manipulation. I also teach my patients exercises to improve their posture, movement patterns and muscular skeletal function. Common conditions treated with osteopathy and exercise therapy include:

  • back and neck pain
  • pelvic pain
  • muscle tension
  • headache
  • craniofacial pain
  • TMJ dysfunction

I treat children and babies as well as adults and tailor the treatment to suit the patient’s age, condition and presenting problem.

Integrative Breathing Therapy professional training

This online course provides an comprehensive overview of the anatomy, psychology, functions and dysfunctions of breathing. You will receive in-depth training in relevance, assessment and treatment of the neuromuscular, biomechanical and pyschophysiological dimensions of breathing functionality.

The course will give you hands-on and practical training in the use of a number of evidence based assessment tools developed by me, such as the

  • Self-Evaluation of Breathing Questionnaire (SEBQ)
  • Manual Assessment of Respiratory Motion (MARM)
  • and other validated and evidence based assessment tools and protocols.