Improve your patients’ breathing and the outcomes of their breathing training, with evidence based manual therapy!

Research has shown that ‘The Breathing Muscle Reset’  used in combination with breathing training corrects dysfunctional breathing and improves symptoms.

Simple and effective
‘The Breathing Muscle Reset’ gives you the skills to assess and treat your patient within 30 minutes.

This course has a strong practical focus with the aim of providing participants with the skills and understanding to assess patients and apply manual techniques  based around Dr Rosalba Courtney’s “Breathing Muscle Reset” protocol [1]. It will also include a brief review of the functional anatomy of breathing and describe common postural abnormalities and patterns of muscle dysfunction occurring in patients with disordered breathing.

Learning Objectives

  • Review the functional anatomy of breathing
  • Recognise inhalation and exhalation dominant postural schema
  • Recognise key thoracic and extrathoracic patterns of muscle dysfunction associated with dysfunctional breathing
  • Review muscles targeted by the ‘Breathing Muscle Reset’
  • Learn the steps of the ‘Breathing Muscle Reset’


“Attending Rosalba’s Breathing Muscle Reset workshop was an enlightening experience which has tremendously expanded my skills in delivering effective healthcare for many of my patients.

Rosalba shares her tried and tested manual therapy protocol with plenty of training and assistance backed up by grounded dysfunctional breathing theories and assessments which tie it all together in an easy to understand format.

Rosalba’s Breathwork Reset Manual Therapy workshop is a comprehensive and valuable experience for anyone working hands on with patients in a manual therapy health profession and I would highly recommend it.”

Dr Michael Doyne (osteopath)


This course is applicable to physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, SLPs and others who utilise manual therapy techniques in their patient care. Practitioners who have completed or are enrolled in the Integrative Breathing Therapy full professional training are also invited to join this course.


Course Details – (with assistance on the day from Brad Gilden and Alex Blank – many thanks!)

The course will run from 8:30AM to 4.30 pm. Places are limited to 30 attendees.

8.30-9am – Intro and overview

9-10.15am – Musculoskeletal aspects of breathing. Functional and dysfunctional breathing patterns.

10.15-10.45 am – Break

10.45-12 noon  Assessing postural and muscular patterns in dysfunctional breathing

12-1pm – Practical

1-2pm – Lunch

2-4.30 pm  – The ‘Breathing Muscle Reset’ – demonstration and practical



  1. Courtney, R., et al., Improvements in multi-dimensional measures of dysfunctional breathing in asthma patients after a combined manual therapy and breathing retraining protocol: a case series report. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2019. 31: p. 36-43.

Orlando, Florida, USA  – 6 Sept 2023

Caribe Royale Orlando
8101 World Center Dr
Orlando, FL 32821, United States

Cost: US$175 – This price is a special AAPMD pre-conference course price offered to Conference attendees!
AAPMD (American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry) conference is 7-9 September – details here

Regular price: US$475 for non-conference attendees
